At Carryboy New Zealand Fleet sales is the special discount for purchasing more than 10 units. Carryboy – New Zealand. identifies following group as fleet customers and apply price for fleet business and campaign as bellows:
- Single Proprietorship with business registration letter, Partnership, company limited, juristic person or public company Rental / Leasing Fleet Business.
- Government Fleet or State Enterprises Fleet.
- The fleet sales to the VIP (Very Important Person) who have the high influence or power to persuade other people in their region.
- The group of person or juristic person who deal with or have a contract with the government and state enterprises and need to purchase some amount of vehicles.
- The group of employees who simultaneously need to purchase cars to use in their organization and register with their own names.
- Carryboy Fleet Sales Team that can give and advice about fleet sales, After sales under Carryboy standard to convince for choosing Carryboy product that can lead your business to success.
“Wide Range Products” : In Fleet business, there are various kinds of requirements from fleet customers. Carryboy can cope with various requirements since our products cover from Pick-up / Ute ( Holden, Toyota , Isuzu , Ford, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Mazda, Volkswegan, Great wall ) and special vehicle.
1. Government Welfare Program is the fleet sales program for the government and public enterprise officers (all over country)
2. Supplier Program is the Program for CARRYBOY suppliers including the companies and their officers
3. General Fleet Program is Fleet Program for general customers who want to buy more than 2 units of vehicle to use for their business. They will have a special offers as follows
- Vehicle Canopy ( Holden, Toyota , Isuzu , Ford, Mitsubishi, , Nissan, Mazda, Volkswegan, Great wall )
- Tonneau Covers
- 4X4 Products
- Pickup Bodies
- Other Promotion in the future